The Henderson – Vance County E-911 Communications Center has successfully deployed basic SMS (Short Message Service) texting for all major cell phone providers. Now you can now send a text message to 911 in the event of an emergency.
This feature is in no way intended to replace a traditional voice call to 911. In fact the initial message send from the 911 center will be one that asks the sender to initiate a voice call to 911 if at all possible. Texting to 911 is truly intended to be used by an individual that cannot for what ever reason make a regular voice call. A good example of this would be a person who is under duress and needs to silently contact us. It will understandably take longer to process a text message call than a traditional voice, that is why this method will be discouraged unless a voice call can not be made. With that said we encourage people to use this feature if they feel they need to.