Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00pm on March 22, 2022, in the Vance County Administrative Conference Room, at 122 Young St, Henderson, NC for the construction of the Vance County Department of Social Services Relocation – Head Start Renovation at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read.
Department of Social Services Relocation
Vance County Head Start Renovations
Vance County
The Project includes approximately 8,840 square feet of renovation area including one classroom wing and a small area of the senior center, and an ADA ramp out of the Gymnasium. Renovations consist primarily of selective demolition and associated new work, some new finishes, new exterior windows and doors, and all associated plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire alarm work. Limited site work is also included.
Bids will be received for Single Prime Contracts. All proposals shall be lump sum.
Pre-Bid Meeting
An open Pre-bid Meeting will be held at 2:00pm on March 15, 2022, at the project site located at 500 N Beckford Drive, Henderson, NC 27536. The meeting will address project specific questions, issues, bidding procedures and bid forms.
Complete plans, specifications and contract documents will be open for inspection in the offices of Oakley Collier Architects, P.A., 109 Candlewood Rd, Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 at 252-937-2500, and in the plan rooms of the Carolinas Associated General Contractors, Raleigh, NC, in the local North Carolina offices of Dodge Data & Analytics, and in the Eastern Regional Office of Construction Market Data in Norcross, GA and in Minority Plan Rooms in the NC Institute of Minority Economic Development, Inc in Durham, NC and in East Coast Digital – Minority Plan Room Provider, Greenville, NC.
Complete plans and specifications for this project are available free of charge for a Digital Download or for $350.00 (refundable) deposit by cash or certified check for hard copies. Either format can be obtained from Oakley Collier Architects, 109 Candlewood Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 (252.937.2500) beginning March 3, 2022, during normal office hours. Plans will also be available in the plan rooms of the Carolinas Associated General Contractors, Raleigh, NC, in the local North Carolina offices of Dodge Data & Analytics, and in the Construct Connect in Norcross, GA and in Minority Plan Rooms in the NC Institute of Minority Economic Development, Inc in Durham, NC and in East Coast Digital – Minority Plan Room Provider, Greenville, NC.
All contractors are hereby notified that they must have proper license as required under the state laws governing their respective trades.
General contractors are notified that Chapter 87, Article 1, General Statutes of North Carolina, will be observed in receiving and awarding general contracts. General contractors submitting bids on this project must have license classification for “Unlimited”.
Each proposal shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or a certified check drawn on some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, of an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the proposal or in lieu thereof a bidder may offer a bid bond of five percent (5%) of the bid executed by a surety company licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds, conditioned that the surety will, upon demand forthwith make payment to the obligee upon said bond if the bidder fails to execute the contract in accordance with the bid bond. Said deposit shall be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract within ten days after the award or to give satisfactory surety as required by law.
A Performance Bond and a Payment Bond will be required for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price.
Payment will be made based on ninety-five percent (95%) of monthly estimates and final payment made upon completion and acceptance of work.
No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of 60 days.
The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.
Owner: Jordan McMillen, County Manager
Vance County
122 Young St, Suite B
Henderson, NC 27536
Architect: Oakley Collier Architects, PA
109 Candlewood Rd
Rocky Mount, NC 27804