Board Appointments

Appointment Vacancies

The Vance County Board of Commissioners is currently soliciting applications for persons interested in serving on the following Board/Commissions/Committees:

  • Adult Care Advisory Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Henderson Planning Board (applicants must reside in the ETJ)
  • Henderson Zoning Board of Adjustments (regular and alternate positions; applicants must reside in the ETJ)
  • Nursing Home Advisory Committee
  • Vance Granville Community College Board of Trustees
  • Vance County Housing Authority (regular and alternate position)
  • Vance County Planning Board and Board of Adjustments (applicants must reside in Commission District 6)

Applicants must be a Vance County resident or employee of a local business and willing to devote time, attention and effort needed to fulfill member duties and participate actively and constructively in the business of the Board, Commission or Committee.

Applications may be obtained by using the link below, or in the office of the Clerk to the Board located in the County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Suite B, Henderson, NC 27536.


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