Planning and Development


The Planning and Development Department is divided into two divisions including the Planning Division and the Inspections Division.  Together these divisions strive for excellence in serving the citizens of Vance County with state-mandated inspections for all phases of construction and the administration and enforcement of all Board adopted legislation, including the land use plan, zoning, subdivision, manufactured housing, watershed protection and flood damage prevention ordinances.  The issuance of permits for construction and the provision of inspection services as required under N.C.G.S. 153A-351 helps ensure the public’s health, safety, and welfare in the building and land use environment.  The Department provides owners and builders with plan review, answers to code-related questions and investigation of complaints.  Additionally the Department administers and maintains the county GIS mapping data including the maintenance of the county’s electronic tax maps.

The Department provides guidance and direction in the adoption of policies and regulations to encourage orderly growth and development and long-range community development in Vance County.  These public policy choices include: residential, commercial, and industrial land use development standards; floodplain management; county wide water development; watershed protection; & county zoning enforcements.  This work involves the collection and evaluation of data, research and analysis of options and alternatives, and the selection and implementation of projects and programs.

The Department serves as a professional staff to the County Planning Board and provides recommendations and suggestions to the Board of County Commissioners, citizen advisory groups, and other agencies on comprehensive land use policies and plans, zoning recommendations, special permits, hazard mitigation, and subdivision regulations.




Name Title Phone Email
Sherry Moss Planning and Development Director 252-738-2080
Mark German Planner 252-738-2093
Heather Lovings Technician 252-738-2085
Bob Rosch Chief Building Codes Enforcement Officer 252-738-2081
Joe Mustian Building Codes Enforcement Officer 252-738-2088
Don Eatmon Building Codes Enforcement Officer 252-738-2084




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