Veteran’s Service Office

What is the Veterans Service?

The Veterans Service Office advises local veterans and their dependents of their rights and entitlements under the various Federal and State laws, counsels them and actively assist them by filling out necessary forms and papers, obtaining documents and affidavits, and forwarding them to the North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs for review and presentation before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.



BEREAVEMENT COUNSELING                                                                     202-461-6530

DEPT MANAGEMENT CENTER                                                                     800-827-0648

EDUCATION                                                                                                         888-442-4551

GULFWAR/AGENT ORANGE HELP LINE                                                   800-749-8387

HOMELESS VETERANS                                                                                    877-424-3838

HOME LOANS                                                                                                      888-827-3702

LIFE INSURANCE                                                                                               800-669-8477

NATIONAL COALITION FOR HOMELESS VETERANS                            800-838-4357

NATIONAL GULF WAR RESOURCE                                                              800-882-1316  EXT. 162           

RETIRED PAY (DFAS)                                                                                        800-321-1080

SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION                                                        800-772-1213

VA COMBAT CALL CENTER                                                                             877-927-8387

VA MEDICAL CENTER                                                                                       919-286-0411

VA REGIONAL OFFICE                                                                                      800-827-1000      

VETERANS CRISIS LINE                                                                              800-273-8255


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