Register of Deeds

Cassandra D. Neal – Register of Deeds

Welcome to the Vance County Register of Deeds website.  The Register of Deeds is an elected official who is custodian and manager of a large number of Public Records.  We are subject to North Carolina General Statutes governing the care and maintenance of these records and making them accessible to the public. We record a variety of real property documents including Deeds, Deed of Trusts, Cancellations, Powers of Attorney, Maps and others.  Our land records date back to 1881. We also house many other public records, such as Vance County Births and Deaths dating back to 1913.  Marriage Licenses issued in Vance County, and Notary Oaths.

NEW – Click HERE to register your name for our new Property Notification site. You will be able to register to be notified by e-mail if a document with the requested name is filed in our office. The site will provide instructions and additional details. This service is free.

The office of the Register of Deeds does not engage in the rendering of legal or professional advice.  If you require legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of an attorney or other professional. If you do not fully understand English, you are responsible for bringing an interpreter with you.  We do not furnish translators for any language. OUR OFFICE DO NOT PROVIDE NOTARY SERVICES OR PROVIDE ANY TYPE OF LEGAL FORMS LIKE DEEDS, QCDS, POWER OF ATTORNEYS, ETC. SEEK LEGAL ADVICE TO OBTAIN THOSE DOCUMENTS. 


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