2019 – 2020 Allocation:
Vance SWCD received a $42,230 allocation, including $5,000 in AgWRAP for 2019-2020 from the N.C. Cost Share Program. To apply for funding, visit the office at 853 S. Beckford Drive, Suite C, or call (252)438-5727 Ext. 3.
A voluntary, cost share based program offering financial and technical assistance for the installation of best management practices to address nonpoint source pollution.
How does ACSP work?
The North Carolina Agriculture Cost Share Program is successful in improving and protecting the state’s resources through the grassroots efforts of your local soil and water conservation district. Local districts work with agricultural landowners and renters to:
- Identify best management practices, or BMPs, suited to your operation.
- Develop and approve individual conservation plans.
- Design and oversee installation of best management practices.
- Provide technical assistance to ensure proper operation and maintenance.
The North Carolina Division of Soil and Water Conservation provides technical and administrative assistance to districts, gives final approval to cost share contracts and processes payment requests to farmers participating in the program.
Who is eligible?
Landowners and renters of existing agricultural operations producing for more than three years are eligible to participate.
How do I apply?
Submit an application to your local district where it gets ranked based on resource concerns identified in the county.
Applicants can be reimbursed up to 75 percent of a predetermined average cost for each installed best management practice. Applicants are responsible for 25 percent of the costs, which may include labor.
Some restrictions may apply depending on the type of operation or best management practice, or a relevant Soil and Water Conservation Commission policy.
Why the ACSP?
The major cause of water quality problems in North Carolina and much of the United States is nonpoint source pollution.
In many places, damage to our water resources comes from soil erosion, excess nutrients, animal waste contamination and accidental spills of agricultural chemicals.
The North Carolina Agriculture Cost Share Program provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to install practices on their land to address nonpoint source pollution.
More than 60 approved best management practices fall into these categories. A complete list of practices is available online at www.soilandwater.nc.gov in the Agriculture Cost Share Program (ASCP) section.
- Sediment/Nutrient Losses
- Animal Waste Management
- Agrichemical Pollution prevention
- Stream Protection
- Erosion/Nutrient Reduction