2025 Real Property Appeals

Appealing Real Property


Vance County real estate values reflect the market value as of the most recent countywide reappraisal, which was effective January 1, 2024. Any inflation, deflation, or other economic changes occurring after the appraisal date will not affect the county’s value of the property and cannot be lawfully considered when reviewing the value for adjustment. The appraisal value remains in effect until the next countywide reappraisal, which is currently performed every eight years.

Property owners can appeal county-appraised real estate values beginning January 1 each year. The deadline for appealing value is the day the Board of Equalization and Review adjourns. The only appeal request that can be accepted after the Board adjourns is from a property owner whose county-appraised real estate value was changed, and notification of the change was not issued until after the Board adjournment date.

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