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Vance County Appoints New Planning Director


 Henderson, NC – Vance County is pleased to announce that Sherry Moss has been selected to serve as the new Planning Director and will assume this role on February 12, 2024.  A thorough recruitment and interview process was conducted to fill this position.

Sherry currently serves as Planning Director for the Town of Nashville and has also held roles with Vance County as Interim Planning Director and Special Projects Coordinator. Sherry has also worked with the City of Henderson and Granville County in other various roles. Sherry holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Shaw University and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy: Public Administration from Liberty University. Mrs. Moss brings over 17 years of local government experience. Mrs. Moss has proven that she is committed to this profession. “I am honored to have the opportunity to be back to serve the citizens of Vance County.” says Moss.

“I’m looking forward to working with Sherry in this new role; Sherry is a breath of fresh air and will serve the county well” said County Manager C. Renee Perry”.


Vance County Appoints William Coker as Animal Services Manager

Vance County is pleased to announce that William Coker has been promoted to serve as the new Animal Services Manager and assumed this role on January 2, 2024.  Vance County’s former Animal Services Manager Frankie Nobles accepted a new position as Special Projects Coordinator back in 2023.  A thorough recruitment and interview process was conducted to find his replacement.

Mr. Coker is a native of Vance County and has jumped into this role without hesitation.  Mr. Coker has over 10 years of service to the County.  Mr. Coker has experience working in the Sheriff’s Office as well as animal control.

“I’m looking forward to working with William in his new role,” said County Manager C. Renee Perry.

Request for Proposals (RFP) – Vance County Fleet Management Services

Vance County, NC is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors to provide comprehensive Fleet Management Services for Vance County.  We have identified a need to optimize the maintenance, operation, and oversight of our vehicle fleet.  As such, we invite your organization to submit a proposal to meet our requirements.

I.  Introduction and Background: Vance County manages a diverse fleet of vehicles, including but not limited to, law enforcement vehicles, public works trucks, and administrative sedans.  We are seeking a reliable and experienced vendor to offer a comprehensive fleet management solution, including vehicle maintenance, tracking, and reporting.

II. Scope of Work: The selected vendor will be responsible for the following fleet management services:

  1. Vehicle Maintenance: Provide routine maintenance, inspections, and repairs to ensure the safe and efficient operation of our fleet.
  2. Fuel Management: Implement a fuel tracking system to monitor fuel consumption, control costs, and reduce waste.
  3. Vehicle Tracking: Install and maintain GPS tracking devices to monitor vehicle location, speed, and usage.
  4. Reporting: Generate regular reports on vehicle maintenance, fuel usage, and fleet performance.
  5. Emergency Services Vehicles: Ensure timely maintenance and repair services for emergency vehicles.
  6. Compliance: Assist in maintaining vehicle compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

III. Proposal Submission: Please submit your proposal no later than 10/20/2023.  Electronic submissions are preferred and should be sent to  Hard copy submissions should be addressed to 122 Young Street, Ste B. Henderson, NC 27536 and postmarked by the deadline.

IV. Proposal Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    1. Experience and Qualifications: Vendor’s experience in fleet management and relevant certifications.
    2. Cost Proposal: Competitive pricing for the services offered.
    3. Technical Solution: The proposed technical approach to fleet management.
    4. References: Past performance and references from similar clients.

V. Timeline:

RFP Issued: 9/25/23

Proposal Submission Deadline: 10/20/23

Evaluation of Proposals: 10/23/23

Award of Contract: 11/6/23

Commencement of Services: 11/6/23

VI. Contact Information: For any questions or clarifications related to this RFP, please contact Katherine Bigelow at or 252-738-2006.

We look forward to receiving your proposal and potentially working with your organization to enhance our fleet management capabilities.  Thank you for your interest in providing your services to Vance County.

2024 Proposed Schedule of Values

Vance County is required to perform a revaluation on all real property in its jurisdiction every eight years.  Values are set on all residential and commercial land and structures such as homes, office buildings, stores and farms.

Because values do not increase or decrease at the same rate, revaluations ensure each property’s assessed value reflects its fair market value or the most probable price a property would bring at sale in a competitive and open market.  If counties did not conduct periodic revaluations, some property owners would pay more than their share of property tax while others would pay less than their share.

The Schedule of Values, which by law much be approved by the county’s board of commissioners, is a manual providing rates, value ranges and guidelines for appraising property at market value within the county.  It includes adjustments that may be used for various types of construction, adjustments for market conditions, and valuation schedules for land.

The Schedule of Values provides summaries and broad ranges of the parameters in the county’s Computer-Assisted Mass Appraisal System (CAMA).  The rates and ranges in the Schedule of Values are effective January 1, 2024 and will remain in effect until the next revaluation, which is currently scheduled in eight years.  Any changes or improvements made to properties during this time frame will be appraised in accordance with the standards found in this document.

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 2, 2023 to gain citizen input concerning the Schedule of Values.

Click here to view the Schedule of Values.

Brodie Road Convenience Site – Now Open on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The Brodie Road waste convenience site located at 900 Brodie Road, Henderson, NC 27636 will now be open on Sundays beginning September 3, 2023.  The site will open at 11:00 a.m. and close at 6:00 p.m. each Sunday during the year.  This is a service improvement approved by the Vance County Board of Commissioners to improve access for customers as well as a way to decrease illegal dumping in the area.  Please take note there are NO planned changes in operating days and/or hours at the other county owned convenience sites located across the County.  Those operating times will remain the same.  Residents are also encouraged to secure their loads when using the Convenience Centers.  For further information, please contact Jason Falls at (919) 691-0928.

Transfer Station Located at 3453 NC Highway 39 N Temporary Closing

The transfer station located at 3453 NC Highway 39 N, Henderson, NC 27537 will be closed for repairs beginning Saturday July 29, 2023 with a planned reopening on Friday, August 4, 2023. Customers are encouraged to plan accordingly for this closure during this timeframe. The next closest, permitted disposal site is located at 6595 Landfill Road, Oxford, NC 27565 and is permitted to accept Vance County Solid Wastes. For any questions, please contact Jason Falls at (919) 691-0928. The yard waste facility will continue to try to remain open during regular business hours; however if these repairs result in safety concerns for staff and patrons at the facility; staff will evaluate closure of this facility during this time.

Request for Proposals – Fire Services Study

We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal for conducting a Fire Services Study for Vance County. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively assess the fire services provided in Vance County, identify areas for improvement, and develop recommendations for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency response.

Click here for more information.

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